So… The scottish referendum has come and gone.
Genuinely, I think it is a great thing that the union has stayed together. From a creative view it would be most difficult for top musicians, designers etc to thrive in an independent Scotland. Scottish talent would do the same as they always have done, they would head south to London. However, this time they would be there are as foreigners and not as Britons. Ultimately, I think it would have been a great shame for the rest of the United Kingdom as they would lose a great deal of British creative culture. Tartan has been huge over the past few years and Harris Tweed still hasn't gone away. Paolo Nutini, Emeli Sande and countless others would no longer be part of the ever growing and expanding British music scene that is not only taking the states but the world by the scruff of the neck.
In conclusion, I am not only pleased for Scotland but for the rest of the United Kingdom as I hope that we can now continue to be one of the leading lights in the creative industries.